Staff-Parish Relations Team
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is the administrative unit where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church. This committee relates to all staff, both bishop-appointed staff and employed staff and this committee has some of the same functions of a personnel office or Human Resources department in other organizations. The primary responsibility of the committee is to work with staff so that the mission of the church is realized.
The committee works with individuals and groups, including:
1. The Pastor
2. All ordained leaders (both elders and deacons-appointed by the bishop)
3. The lay staff (full time and part time)
4. The congregation (individually and corporately)
5. Candidates for licensed and ordained ministry
6. The community outside the walls of the Church
7. The district superintendent
8. The United Methodist conference and general church staff
Specific tasks for the committee include:
1. Explaining the nature and function of ministry to the staff and the congregation.
2. Conferring with the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction.
3. Assessing the ministry of the congregation and the staff/pastor at least annually.
4. Conferring and consulting with the district superintendent.
5. Supporting lifelong learning for all staff (continuing education).
6. Identifying and supporting individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.
7. Making recommendations regarding compensation, travel, benefits and housing to the church council.
8. Recommending needed staff positions and developing written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff.
Bill Baldwin, Chairperson
The committee works with individuals and groups, including:
1. The Pastor
2. All ordained leaders (both elders and deacons-appointed by the bishop)
3. The lay staff (full time and part time)
4. The congregation (individually and corporately)
5. Candidates for licensed and ordained ministry
6. The community outside the walls of the Church
7. The district superintendent
8. The United Methodist conference and general church staff
Specific tasks for the committee include:
1. Explaining the nature and function of ministry to the staff and the congregation.
2. Conferring with the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction.
3. Assessing the ministry of the congregation and the staff/pastor at least annually.
4. Conferring and consulting with the district superintendent.
5. Supporting lifelong learning for all staff (continuing education).
6. Identifying and supporting individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.
7. Making recommendations regarding compensation, travel, benefits and housing to the church council.
8. Recommending needed staff positions and developing written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff.
Bill Baldwin, Chairperson