First United Methodist Church of Titusville needs your help. We have a goal to establish a community garden on a swath of our property between Palm Avenue and South Lemon Street. The produce from this garden would go to those in our community who would benefit from adding fresh vegetables to their daily diets. The zoning code has been amended to allow for a community garden and we are ready to begin work. We would like to be able to plant a fall garden. Our initial plan is to start with four above the ground beds that would be 4' wide by 24' long by 2' high. We would like to invite you to join us in doing God’s work and be a part of this venture. You would be welcome!
We feel God is leading us to develop this community garden. If your church and/or anyone in your congregation has an interest in helping with the community garden, please call our church office at 321-269-7631. |
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